In looking back at my teaching career and its evolution, I have made many changes. My teaching philosophy has been refined, and modified. The outlook of expectations that I have for my students has been altered. The ways that technology is included into my lessons has improved. Because of what I have learned in this course, I am more thoughtful in the types of technology that I use, and how it is used, and how I can differentiate for my different learners. Many ideas and resources were shared that I am able to use right away in my classroom. Another accomplishment that I have attained while working on this course is an interview for an instructional technology teacher position within my district. Before my Walden courses, I never thought I could be an ITT (Instructional Technology Teacher) and here I wait for the results of my interview.
I have always felt that students learn best in a collaborative environment. Working on projects and learning through problem solving has led many of my units. Through this course, I have found more ways to differentiate instruction and create authentic learning opportunities for students. I have developed methods that provide adequate scaffolding to support all my learners. By using rubrics, as well as identifying learner types with surveys I will be more prepared with the types of projects, as well as appropriate groups that can work together.
After learning about the brain research and universal design for learning as described by Dr. David Rose in “Brain Research and Universal Design for Learning”, I was able to apply the UDL practices in my classroom. The connections with UDL and education were clearly identified, and I have modified methods in my class that will better support all students.
In the readings from Carol Ann Tomlinson, I have a better understanding of how assessments can guide instruction. By using rubrics, pre-tests, and post assessments I will identify specific skills that need to be developed, as well as interests on a topic. I have been able to provide more student reflection on assignments to help students learn and grow. By assessing their own learning in activities, students are better prepared to apply their learning.
Some ways that I have recently adjusted my instructional practices are to use google docs for assessments. Students are able to log in and take tests online on a test that I created from what we have learned. I have also created more projects that provide for more differentiation. We just completed a poetry unit and students will create VoiceThreads that will allow students to read and reflect on different pieces of poetry. I have begun using more things that align with UDL concepts such as changing my document camera to reverse the black and white when projecting. This has allowed for students that have visual problems to better see what is being projected. There are still many things that I will be modifying and changing as I learn what works best for me and the unique group of young people that are in my classroom.